About Us / Resources / Events
About Us / Resources / Events
We believe that all members of our organizations strive to reach the highest place of realization of their personal and professional potential. Therefore, we are proud to bring to your attention an important international event: an online NLP International Conference with 26 NLP worldwide experts! A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet the best speakers in the field from around the world, and to discover the latest NLP models through captivating live lectures and workshops.
What's going to happen at the conference?
During two days full of innovative content, you will be exposed to breakthrough models, active online learning, questions and answers, open discussions, and live demonstrations.
The Conference lectures will be recorded and will be available for the participants for 3 months from the end of the event. Please note the list of the lecturers in the world that we all admire and are influenced by: the First Lady of NLP Judith DeLozier, Robert Dilts, and Michael Hall (just to name a few).
The conference is organized by Lumi Raz and supported by our associations.
Lumi Raz is a NLP and Social Panorama trainer from Israel, Mindfulness Master Trainer, organizer of Applications in Mental Space: Online International Conference April 29-30, 2021, organizer of NLP Online International Conference, June 1-2, 2021, Developer of LOOMS online 3-D therapy software, Founder of Mental Space Mindfulness, Founder of Raz Institute, Ambassador for Society for Mental Space Psychology in Israel, Ambassador of In-Me in Israel.
"Hypnosis Technician, WHO" training by trainer Matthias Bär and Angela Bachfeld in Germany
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