We visited in Egypt in April 2022 our Presidents, Master Trainers, and members

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Nandana Nielsen

Nandana Nielsen

"Hypnosis Master Trainer, WHO"

In the first week of Ramadan, from 3.4.22 to 7.4.22, we were guests of our Egyptian Association President Abdul-Rahman Abdullah at "The Field of Awakening" Institute in Egypt. Ramadan is about community, family, and prayer. The friendly hosts taught us the symbols that accompany Ramadan: the crescent moon and a miraculous later!

It's wonderful when you travel, meet as colleagues and everyone is quite delighted with what we share this time!

The Master Trainers and the 400+ members from our IN and ICI were invited. We had several meetings with our Master Trainers regarding marketing, future development, and cooperation with each other. On 3 evenings we gave presentations to the members, their guests, and the Master Trainers. We learned from each other, discussed enthusiastically, laughed a lot, examined, reflected, and marveled at our opinions, and were all delighted with the rich results of our knowledge!

On the first evening, Nandana talked about Virginia Satir - about her theory, her loving way of dealing with people, seeing positive approaches everywhere, and with the rich kinaesthetic with which she touched. We talked about her approaches to healing people, that people learn to teach themselves with their new tasks, learn something new, and that this belongs in their lives all the time: inform yourself, think about it, and tell others about your new findings!

We discussed the tool „Parts Party“. It was a wonderful evening! If you are interested, on our website there is an article about Virginia Satir www.nlp-institutes.net/sources/articles/how-virginia- satir-influenced-nlp  and 4 models of Parts Party  www.nlp-institutes.net/sources/material/parts-party-from-virg inia-satir-english-version.

On the second day, we reported about the year 2000 when we offered our trainer training and invited 11 trainers, our competitors, and offered our trainer training together with them. Together with the competitors we had a great cooperation! Beneficial for all: for the Master Trainers and the participants! We have kept this model and enjoyed the power of this cooperation very much. In 2001 we then founded the IN. We have created a seal for NLP training within 18 days. This was a groundbreaking step to maintain quality, to give it to participants, and to do a good job. In the IN, participants can learn from each other, enliven the community, and contribute to it.      

COMMUNICATION - that is the high school of IN. Communication - what we really need. To understand people, to understand ourselves. We are all brothers and sisters, it is important how we understand each other and therefore we want to make the language very precise. To deal with deletion, generalisation, and distortion. That is part of human development, working with NLP. Learning NLP is like playing a computer game: you start at level 1, then level 2, then level 3 ... it goes on and on! Learn with your energy, for yourself and for others!At the end, small groups were formed with topics: Professional environment. What made you want to make a change? Finally, a wonderful exercise with input on Mindfulness: open your eyes to the beauties of nature around you!  https://www.nlp-institutes.net/sources/material/mindfulness-noticing-nature

On the third day, it's time for IN-Me: “Institutes for Mindfulness Evolving”!https://www.nlp-institutes.net/sources/articles/mindfulness-w ith-nlp

  • Where inside do you feel something happy? Something that loves you and pays attention to your awareness. How do you make contact with it? Can you get in touch with this part a little more intensively? That you both get to know and enjoy each other. The friendship between the happy part and your awareness. Get in touch with it! Here is the full exercise:
https://in-me.world/sources/material/connect-to-joyfulness-in -3-seconds

  •This is about mindfulness reconnection with this part inside you. When you know NLP, you can take a vibration, a sound, a feeling, a light and then you approach that part and from that moment on, you are never alone! Karl trains "Mindfulness Teacher, In-Me" without NLP and "Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me" with NLP. “NLP-Mindfulness” is very challenging. We understand our growth even better, to take a big step into NLP-Mindfulness and a new form of expertise. There is so much in NLP that we can offer in mindfulness – there are many doors open. NLP and Mindfulness often have the same goals:
• Negative thoughts are stopped in mindfulness by yoga and meditation, and in NLP by change belief work.
• Am I the horse or the rider of my feelings?
• Does my perception give me choices or do I encounter problems?
• Are my actions programmed by others or are they conscious?  

Mindfulness is changing your brain through meditation and yoga. NLP is changing your brain by changing belief work. With both, we can recognize that behind every problem there is a resource. What can I use this energy for? All these potentials are possible with Mindfulness and NLP. What a deep understanding of the next step of change!

Here is the PowerPoint of the presentation:

  At the end of our journey, Ahmad Abdullah from the Phoenix for Trainings Institute was appointed as our new Egyptian ICI President for the area of ICI Coaching.
Our first Egyptian Association president since 2015 is Abdul-Rahman Abdullah from "The Field of Awakening" Institute. He is still our President for the areas of IN NLP, WHO Hypnosis, WSCO Constellation, and In-Me Mindfulness. He joined us at our first World Congress in Berlin in 2006.
Both association's Presidents are innovative and interested in creating a field of encounter, learning, and independence for the community. Ahmed Abdullah has always accompanied us when we were in Egypt. We had a lot of content discussions, and we have known each other for several years. We have a lot of sympathy for both presidents and a great appreciation for their energy.  

This is our report from our trip to Egypt, the land of sun and friendly, competent and intellectually curious people. It's good to meet and see each other. We were in great spirits and we ate, laughed and the time was wonderful intensive. We look forward to meeting again!

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