Über uns / Ressourcen / Paris-2020
Über uns / Ressourcen / Paris-2020
IN ICI WHO questionnaires for scientifically captering training benefits
Mehr lesen"Hypnosis Coach, WHO" Training von Trainer Matthias Bär und Angela Bachfeld in Deutschland
Mehr lesenThis is an optional day for the registered Master Trainers on 15th of August, 2 days after the Master Trainer Meeting in August 2020 in Paris
Lucas presents here for all Master Trainers who think about including Social Panorama trainigs in the offers of their trainings at their institute. He offers a one day intriduction in his approach with an option that others can teach this as well.
His scientific findings about Mental Space could be the psychological background theory for NLP. Space became more and more important in NLP and space is the basic organizational principle for the brain. He wrote as well his dissertation about this topic at out faculty in Universidad Central de Nicaragua.
You may find a special website about his approach here: www.nlp-institutes.net/sources/projects/dr-lucas-derks-mental-space-psychology-and-social-panorama
His dissertation about Mental Space is here: www.ucn.edu.ni/media/2016/12/Dr-Lucas-Derks-NLPsy.pdf
For members, please login below to see the video.
IN ICI WHO questionnaires for scientifically captering training benefits
Mehr lesen"Hypnosis Coach, WHO" Training von Trainer Matthias Bär und Angela Bachfeld in Deutschland
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