Dr. Farahmand Sabetrasekh

Dr. Farahmand Sabetrasekh

"Hypnosis Technician, WHO"

"Hypnosis Technician, WHO"

Has achieved "Hypnosis Technician, WHO" at Academy of NLP& Coaching Prof. Omraie by Prof. Dr. Reza Omraie.

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About Dr. Farahmand Sabetrasekh


Education :    


- Post Doctor of Business Administration. 

-  Doctor of International Business. 

- Master of International Business.

- Master of Science in Real-estate development,Real-estate Law.

- postgraduate study in environmental protection and development.

- Bachelor in economics and management / Internationalization & Export in the European union.


Graduate Courses: 


- One year study in Social geography.

- One year study in Political Science.

Undergraduate study in House building design & industrial design.


Post graduate study in Management programs: 


- One year program in Innovation leadership.

- One year program in Total Quality management(TQM) and International standards (ISO).

- One year program in Internal Auditing.

- One year program in Strategic Management. 


Experience & Membership : 


- Adjunct Professorship,Business Administration, CIM.

- Authorized Legal aid in real estate law - supervisory council for legal practice in Norway.  

- Self-employed, Real Estate Developer.

- Business Advisor/ Export advisor.

– Finance advisor / real Estate advisor.

- Senior consultant in occupational injury.

- Academia Kurs virksomhet. (Oslo – Norway).

- Mentor for entrepreneurial and startup program.       www.diversify.no

- Business coach.

- Member of Community developers and professional network in Norway (Technical-Natural Sciences Association).      

- Member of International Bar Association – Legal practitioners and law society, (Real estate law).

- Member and Authorized International Business Coach (Trainer) & Neuro linguistic psychology.








My experience about "NLP Master, IN"

It's clear from the experience that you've had a rewarding and impactful experience as an NLP Master. Working with both individuals and teams, you have successfully identified the underlying issues in economic policies and devised strategies to address these challenges.

Using of NLP techniques to understand the underlying beliefs and values of those impacted by economic policies shows a comprehensive and empathetic approach to problem-solving. By identifying resources and implementing suitable strategies, you have helped people navigate and overcome the difficulties caused by these policies.

Having a knowledgeable and supportive instructor has undoubtedly been instrumental in your learning and growth as an NLP Master. The practical hands-on experience provided during the course has likely played a crucial role in enhancing your proficiency in applying NLP techniques independently.

Your overall satisfaction with the program and your recommendation to others interested in becoming NLP Masters highlight the value and effectiveness of NLP in addressing real-world issues and creating positive change in people's lives. Keep up the excellent work in utilizing your expertise as an NLP Master to bring about positive impacts in society.

My experience about "Coach, ICI"

It's evident from the statement that as an ICI Coach, you have made a significant impact in helping societies affected by corrupt economic policies. Utilizing coaching models, you have worked closely with individuals and teams to address the root causes of economic issues and devise effective solutions.

The incorporation of NLP techniques in your coaching approach indicates a comprehensive and holistic approach to understanding the underlying beliefs and values that influence people's economic behaviors and decisions.

By developing plans of action and utilizing coaching models, you have empowered people with the necessary skills and knowledge to take control of their economic situations and work towards creating a better future.

Working as an ICI Coach demonstrates the valuable role that coaching can play in effecting positive change in society, particularly when it comes to tackling complex issues like those related to economic policies. Keep up the excellent work in making a difference in people's lives and contributing to the betterment of society through your expertise and dedication as a coach.

My experience about "Coach Trainer, ICI"

I had a great experience with "Coach Trainer, ICI". The program provided me with an excellent service and a great learning experience. They were very knowledgeable and experienced in the coaching field, and they were able to provide me with insights and guidance that I wouldn’t have found anywhere else. They were also very patient and accommodating in helping me work through any challenges I faced. Overall, it was a great experience and I would definitely recommend "Coach Trainer, ICI".

Trainer program was very knowledgeable and helpful, providing detailed answers to all of my questions. The course also provided me with practical hands-on experience, giving me the opportunity to practice Coach on my own business and academic activities. Overall, I was very satisfied with the program and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in becoming a " Coach Trainer, ICI"..

My experience about "Hypnosis Technician, WHO"

The experience about "Hypnosis Technician, WHO" was excellent. The program provided me with the most comprehensive and detailed information on the subject of hypnosis. I was able to learn the different techniques used in hypnotherapy, how to use them effectively, and the physiological aspects of hypnosis. The instructor and professor was very knowledgeable and helpful, providing detailed answers to all of my questions. The course also provided me with practical hands-on experience, giving me the opportunity to practice hypnosis on my own. Overall, I was very satisfied with the program and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in becoming a hypnosis technician.

My experience about "NLP Trainer, IN"

It's commendable that i worked with individuals and teams to identify underlying issues and find solutions using NLP techniques.

Having a knowledgeable and helpful instructor for a crucial role in the learning process. The practical, hands-on experience you gained during the course must have been valuable in enhancing your skills and confidence in applying NLP techniques independently.

My positive feedback and recommendation for others interested in becoming NLP Masters highlight the effectiveness and significance of NLP in addressing real-world challenges, such as those related to economic policies. Keep up the great work in using your expertise to make a positive impact on people's lives and in the field of NLP.
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