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Dr. Lucas Derks achieved his Dr. in Psychology at the UCN with the topic Social Panorama
After Dr. Lucas Derks held a 2 days workshop on Social Panorama in Managua he had his defense the next day at the Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN).
The title of his dissertation:
What cognitive psychotherapies – like CBT, NLP and Ericksonian hypnotherapy – reveal about the workings of the mind. A theoretical analysis over 35 years of clinical experimentation.
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology with a focus in Neurolinguistic Psychology (NLPsy)
The UCN has a Faculty for Psychology where experienced NLP experts may study with the topic of Neuro Linguistic Psychology:
Dissertations at the UCN: www.ucn.edu.ni/posgrados/international-school-of-psychology/more-about-the-isp
Here is his dissertation: www.ucn.edu.ni/media/2016/12/Dr-Lucas-Derks-NLPsy.pdf
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