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Formation "Hypnosis Master, WHO" par le formateur momentum - Tom Faith en Online Training
Lire la suiteThere’s a world wide crisis in training. If you’re an independent
trainer you know all about it. People are still interested in your trainings
but they don’t commit, or they commit and then pull out. They say they just haven’t
got the money to do it right now. Or they say the time “isn’t right”. They have
other commitments. You get a sense that they are generally stressed. But so are
you! You know you need to do something different, but what?
Read more here: https://transformations.org.nz/reroute/
Please watch his 20 minutes video about how you need to change your marketing now.
Richard Bolstad offers a one day training on Rerouting on 15 June 2024
Formation "Hypnosis Master, WHO" par le formateur momentum - Tom Faith en Online Training
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