NLP Unified Code of Ethics

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Karl Nielsen

Karl Nielsen

"Hypnosis Master Trainer, WHO"

Main global NLP Associations have agreed on a shared Code of Ethics

On April 2022 the NLP Unified Code of Ethics was officially launched. It has been created by the Association for NLP (ANLP), the International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (IANLP), the International NLP Trainers Association (INLPTA), and the International Association of NLP Institutes (IN).  

This Unified Code of Ethics represents great teamwork and flexible and dynamic decision-making between these Associations. We created this on the basis of mutual respect, modeling of the NLP presuppositions, and a cohesive desire to bring unity, professionalism, and even more credibility to our field.

Our aims are:

  • Raise the standards, practice and delivery of 
  • Continue to increase the credibility of NLP by demonstrating and supporting best practice
  • Raise awareness of the positive benefits of NLP
  • Support academic research in NLP and collect and collate narrative evidence that supports the effectiveness of NLP in practice

Please read our NLP Unified Code of Ethics on

Karl Nielsen

Comission: IN ICI WHO Trainer Training Project

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momentum - Tom Faith

Formation "Hypnosis Practitioner, WHO" par le formateur momentum - Tom Faith en Online Training

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