NLPsy was founded by IN/ICI in 2012 at the World Congress

Über uns / Ressourcen / Projekte

Karl Nielsen

Karl Nielsen

"Hypnosis Master Trainer, WHO"

NLPsy was founded by IN/ICI in 2012 at the World Congress

Neuro-Linguistic Psychology was founded in 2012 on the NLP & Coaching World Congress of IN & ICI in Croatia.

The founding idea is, that a "NLPsy Master Trainer" integrates content from Psychology, Psychotherapy and NLP in his trainings.

For a NLPsy Master Trainer the following qualifications are required:
"NLP Master Trainer, IN"
MA degree in Psychology
Psychotherapy on the level of the World Council for Psychotherapy WCP 

Here the Facebook of NLPsy:

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